Rant, rant, rant!!!
Well, now my entry way smells like vinegar. Vinegar I can live with... animal pee-- NOT A CHANCE! And, if it rains within the next few days, that might help dilute the strong vinegar scent. This whole thing is just a pain in the butt! Man, if I ever catch a cat or dog doing their business by our front door, they're not gonna know what hit 'em when my foot connects with them!
It may not sound like it, but I really do like animals. I just hate ones that aren't mine when they pee on and destroy my stuff! We're planning on getting a dog someday, and we've had many pets in the past (ie., guinea pigs, rats, love birds, hamsters, chinchillas, fish). We won't get cats because of my husbands severe allergy to them, but we'll definitely get a dog. For now, we'll just have to settle with fish. We've lived here for almost a year, and until a few weeks ago, we've had two empty fish tanks. We've got them almost all set up now... all we have to do really is get them established before we can get fishies to put in them. Fish are cool. They're clean, quiet, and require minimal attention... and did I mention they're clean?
Whew! I'm feeling a little better right now. It's nice to rant every now and then. I've got to get some stuff done now cuz we are going to the new Ice Age movie tonight. Jasmine is really excited about that. Ty had better behave himself, the little twerp! Tomorrow, we might take a drive up to Seattle for the weekend. We could probably listen to General Conference on the radio while we're driving, (we dont' get it on TV here in Oregon). I sure hope that we can find a station that is gonna broadcast it. I've gotta get some laundry done and stuff prepared, just in case we DO decide to go. So, adieu.