I Am a Crazy Mom

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Thoughts on Poison Control, building a desk, and giving a talk at church...

I've had a busy weekend so far. I'm looking forward to some downtime today. Yesterday, I spent I don't know HOW many hours getting my talk for Sacrament meeting prepared. Luckily, it didn't take me long to do get Jasmine's ready. While I was working on my talk, I smelled something funny. I looked up to see Tyler dumping a bottle of fish ick medication all over. I panicked, cuz I didn't know if he had gotten any in his mouth or not. So, I called Poison Control for the first time in my life. After speaking with the lady on the other end, I was relieved to find out that this particular medication wouldn't kill him, but may make him a little upset. It has a small amount of melaleuca oil in it (side note: I wonder if that oil is how the company Melaleuca got its name...hmm). I gave them my name and phone number, and they called back a few hours later to check on him. Luckily, he wasn't sick. I don't think he had swallowed any after all. Talk about a relief. Whew!

We decided to go out and about lastnight. We drove clear down to Woodburn, almos 30 miles away, to go to Super Wal-Mart. They have two in Portland, both on SE 82nd Ave, but neither of them are super ones... just the regular-schmegular-poopy-doop ones. We needed to pick up a desk or computer table or somethin', and that stuff is just too expensive at Target. We got a nice little desk, and probably saved 50 bucks by making the drive. When we got home, it was around 9:30. Jasmine was really excited about setting up the desk, because we are going to use it to set up our old dinosaur desktop computer for her to play games on (instead of stealing my laptop all the time... woohoo!). My husband was too tired to start putting it together, so I embarked on that fabulous journey all by myself. I ended up putting the kids to bed shortly after I started, cuz Tyler kept wanting to sit on the boards and get into everything. Talk about a little poop! So, I put the whole darn thing together all by myself, which for me, is saying a lot. I didn't finish until almost midnight, and then I stayed up to work on my talk. I didn't get to bed till after 1:00... yuck.

Today at church, my talk went okay I guess. I was probably better prepared for this talk than I have ever been for any talk. I sat down with my family instead of up on the stand, since Ty was being a little pill and wanted Mommy. Grr. That made me feel less nervous, though, so I suppose it all worked out for the best.

Jasmine did a good job on her talk, too. She was so excited to go up and give it, that when they announced that a little Subeam, whose name is Yasmine, was gonna give the scripture and opening prayer, Jazz thought they were talking about HER. Again, during sharing time, when Jazz was called on to help volunteer, she walked up to the front and kept on walking, right up to the podium. She thought it was time for her to give her talk. How cute. So, when the time came for her to give her talk, she was more than ready. Luckily, Daddy was able to end his lesson in time and make it to watch her give her talk, plus take Ty away to Priesthood with him. Now, I'm looking forward to a nice, quiet day where I don't have to do anyhing. Jasmine is already asleep, andTy is amost there, too. Man, that sounds like a good idea. ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz.


  • At 8:48 PM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    You had SUCH a busy weekend! I'm glad your talk went well...I knew you'd do fine!
    What is it with our husbands? You had to put the desk together and I had to fix that end table/magazine rack (you were there, so you should remember!) WE are the fix-it-women! Hear us ROAR!!

  • At 7:00 AM, Blogger Melzie said…

    I'll have to remember that-- sit with your family instead of on teh stand. I can say I've never given a talk in my adult life in church. SOmehow the weeks I'm suppose to-- something happens, and I tell them that weekend is bad. Maybe HF knows how freaked out I get in front of people, LOL!

  • At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    GOOOOOD JOB CAREBEAR!!!! Nothing to fear right???!!! If only we were as excited to get the up to talk as Jazz was! What a cutie she is! Yea for you getting that old comp set up for her...she won't interupt our chattign as often!! HAHAHAHAHA' We are good moms! :)


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