I Am a Crazy Mom

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Bunkbeds

Here is a pic of the kids on their new bunkbeds. This was taken right after they were put up, so the beds aren't made yet. Jasmine has a tweety bedset, while Tyler has a Pooh bedset. Tyler hasn't had a problem falling off the bed in the middle of the night, but he does have a hard time getting down. He understands that he needs to climb off feet first, but he ends up falling istead. So, we have been puting our big green bean bag next to the bed when he's asleep. That enables Tyler to just crawl off the bed and "floop" right into the bean bag, then crawl off of that.


  • At 7:16 PM, Blogger Mattsmom said…

    Man !!!!
    Your kids are cute!
    I can't believe that Tyler is already in a bed...Matthew is still in his crib...for the same reasons that you miss your crib! He still hasn't tried to climb out of it...for now at least...once he does I am sure that we will move him into the bed we have for him!
    Anyway...Good for you..I hear it is easier to teach them while they are young than to wait until they are able to climb out of their beds!

  • At 10:09 AM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    I'm impressed that Kelly made those!! WOW! I still like my bunkbed better, but you know why! :)


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