I Am a Crazy Mom

Thursday, March 23, 2006

He's finally home!

Well, my husband is finally home... well, he's already left for work this morning, but at least he's back in Portland. Last night, I drove to the airport to pick him up. Talk bout a rat-race. That airport was so busy and confusing to me. I ended up following the pick-up/drop-off signs to the terminal. I sat out and waited in my car, like a bunch of other people were doing, even though there were signs that said "no waiting". I figured that since my husband had called me and said he was off the plane, I wouldn't be waiting for very long. Well, after sitting there for about ten minutes, an airport security man came buy and knocked on my window, motioning for me to get moving (he knocked on the window of the car behind me and in front of me, too). I tried calling my husband to let him know that I had to move the car, but he wouldn't answer his phone. I started getting all worried, then I looked up and there he was. Whew. Talk about good timing. I was sure happy to see him.

I asked for him to drive home, since I was all confused about navigating through that mess. This is where things got a little, um, interesting in a freaky-type way. We were driving along, la de da de da, when all of a sudden, flashing lights turned on behind us. We got pulled over! I started panicking, as I do every time this has hapened. While the officer was getting out of his car, my husband reassured me that he wasn't speeding. Sure enough, he wasn't. We were getting pulled over because he made a few lane changes without signaling, plus he was weaving a little bit (I didn't realize he was THAT tired, and I wasn't aware of the weaving). My husband explained that he just got off of a flight and was really tired, and said that he hadn't been drinking, but offered to take a sobriety test for the officer. (Luckily, he didn't have to.) He then pulled out his IDAHO driver's license. When the officer saw his license, then looked at our insurance card (with our Oregon address) he asked how long we had lived in Oregon. When we told him, he gave us a stern look, then went back to his car with my husband's license, our insurance paper, and registration to do whatever patrol offiers do on their computer thingies. When he came back, he informed us that my husband was basically driving without a driver's license, since the Idaho lisence became "garbage" after living here for 30 days. He told us that he COULD technically fine my husband for driving without a license, but that he wouldn't. He advised that my husband not drive while he's so tired, and to get his Oregon license ASAP. (I think it might have helped a little when he saw that we ha an Oregon driver's manual in our glove box when I pulled out the insurance and registration forms.) He then bid us goodnight and went on his merry way. Gee, I'm sure glad he was in a good mood. That would NOT have been a cheap fine or penalty. He pointed out that the city cops aren't so forgiving (he was State Patrol). Needless to say, we switched drivers and I drove the rest of the way home, since I do have an Oregon license. Whew, what a moment!
We got home shortly after midnight. Jasmine was asleep, but Tyler was NOT. He had been awake ever since I left the house to go pick up my husband. Jazz woke up as soon as I tried putting her to bed, though. I then battled both kids until closeto 1:30 to get them back to sleep. Tyler wanted to play, and Jasmine wanted Daddy. They were both pretty tired this morning, especially Jasmine. I had to literally pull her out of bed to wake her up this morning. I drove my husband to the MAX station, since we don't want him driving until he gets his license. That's gonna happen this weekend. Paying the $59 that it costs for the test and license is nothing compared to what we could have paid.
It sure is good to have my husband home. The past several days have been very dull without him. He even brought us some nice stuff from Caesar's Palace. I got some comfy clothes and a dufflebag, and Jasmine got a purple shirt and hat that say Li'l Goddess on them. She's pretty excied about that. In fact, she's wearing her stuff right now. Well, I really need to go get some food in my belly now, and this blog is long enough, so I'm off!


  • At 9:20 AM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    SCARY!! I hate being pulled over! I'm glad that cop was in a good mood. Good thing you're an Oregonian now! :D

  • At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Being pulled over is the pits! ARMPITS! Whenever I even see a cop my heart starts racing, and my eyes wander to the speedometer just to make sure! I have been pulled over twice in my life...and have never gotten a ticket...well...I once did for not having "proof of insurance". Why must people keep years worth of old insurance cards in the glove box?


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