I Am a Crazy Mom

Monday, February 27, 2006

Busing mixup?!

One of the things I really love about Jasmine attending preschool is that she gets to ride the bus. So, when things get all messed up in that department, it just makes me wanna scream and pull my hair out. And, well, this being the hectic morning it's been, I've wanted to do just that! To help paint a picture of what things were like on this beautiful rainy Oregon morning, I'll just remind people that Jasmine switched preschools a few weeks ago, thus switching bus routes. I was told that it could take up to 10 days for the new bus route to go into effect, and that I would be notified about it when it happened. Well, neither of these things happened. About the latter... I decided to call the transportation department and ask when Jasmine's new bus route would start. They said that it would start on Wednesday, March 1.

Here's another "little" component of the busy morning. My husband slept in, and it would have REALLY benefited him if I had let him have the car to drive straight into work, rather than waiting for a Trimet bus to pick him up. I had to have the car, cuz I hadn't been notified yet about Jasmine's transportaton situation, so I naturally thought I'd have to take her to school. My husband called me (while waiting for one bus that never showed up) to see if I could take him at least to a MAX station, and I told him I wouldn't be ready to go with the kids for another 15 minutes or so. I would have to have Jasmine completely ready, cuz I'd have to take her from the MAX station directly to school. So, he just waited it out and got on the 8:05 bus. I hope he got to work on time. The whole part of this morning that really makes me, uh, frustrated is that as I was getting ready to pull out of the apartment complex to take Jazz to school, there was the bus, waiting for Jasmine. It must have been there for a mintue, cuz it pulled away right in front of me. I followed it all the way to the preschool. DANG! If I had only been given the correct info, I could have just let my husband take the car to work. I called the transportation office one more time, and we got the whole situation figured out. Aparently, it was a last-minute switch to have Jasmine worked into today's route, dispatch (who I originally spoke to) hadn't gotten wind of the change. I wanted to make sure she could ride home on the bus today, and SHE CAN! Yipee!


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