I Am a Crazy Mom

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Oh, Happy Day!

Although I didn't get my nap in, I'd still have to say that today was an all-around good day. For starters, my husband passed his FIFTH and FINAL Microsoft certification exam. This is the second test he's taken in two weeks. He is now fully MCSD certified! Sure, he'll have to do some more tests in the future to stay current with advancing technologny, but for now, he's done! Another awesome thing... air conditioning ROCKS! We've had the thing running for the past 24 hours, and our electric bill will surely be high next month, but it consistently stayed like 10-15 degrees cooler inside than it was outside today! (I think it got up to like 92 degrees outside.) That's like, totally awesome since the inside temperature is usually equal to or GREATER than the outside temperature. I am a happy camper! I realize that my eyes may bulge out of my head when I find out how much it's costing us to run the A/C, but sometimes you just gotta do what you just gotta do. I was so miserable in the icky heat, and being pregnant just makes it all worse. In some cases, like this one, money really can buy happiness. Aparently, it's made Jasmine happy, too. For the past several days, she has not wanted to be in the apartment, claiming we have an "icky house" because it was so hot. Well, this morning, she ran out to the COOL front room and excitedly exclaimed, "Our house isn't icky!" I thought that was pretty cute.

Man, I'm tireder than tired. Not getting a nap today has really been hard. Also, the fact that I forgot to take my prenatal vitamins last night (which contain iron) has contributed to my fatigue. I think I'm gonna call it a night now. G'night!


  • At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A/C is expensive...but you are SO right! In that case money really CAN buy happiness! I LOVE having A/C...even if we don't end up needing it. Just the thought that in case if it ever does get too hot in the house I won't have to suffer is a wonderful thing!
    YAY for HUBBY! He did id...and before hie evaluation! Lets hope there is a fat raise in it for him!

  • At 1:14 PM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    YAY for the non-icky house! :) I'm so glad that you've had a better day today than you have for a while! :)


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