I Am a Crazy Mom

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Yay! Our deck is back up!

It is now 1:30 in the afternoon, and our deck is back up. After pounding and hammering and sawing and drilling all morning, they're finished. Our deck is in between the other two that they tore down, yet it was the first one back up. They're now tearing down another one on the next building over. I don't know why they chose to put ours back up first (maybe because we have little kids?), but I sure do appreciate it. Luckily, lastnight wasn't too bad heat wise. We pulled out our window fans (since they're the only ones we have) and propped them up like regular fans. This morning, it started getting muggy though. It is dang nice to be able to open the doors again for fresh air. Although, I'm leaving them shut for the moment because the loud noise from them working on the other decks. I think I'm gonna go to the park with the kids here in a bit, and when I do, I'll open the doors.

There's one more thing I'm happy about today. My hubby is a Super Mr. Fix-It guy! Lastnight, we were going through our Hi8 video cassettes that go with our camcorder to see what was on them. One of the darn things got stuck in the tape deck of the camcorder, and we couldn't get it out. My hubby took several screws and a pannel out, to try to remove it, but with no luck. We were thinking about taking it to a repair shop to have professionals remove it. But after he found out that only SONY would be able ot do it, and that it would cost $211 to take care of, he acquired some new-found motivation. He finally forced the thing open, and voila! He got it out, and the camcorder's not busted. AND we saved 211 smackeroos!

Well, I'd better go get cleaned up so we can get out of here. I'm all grimy and icky. EWW.


  • At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    YAY for you! That ROCKS! I hope that you enjoy your new deck...and I hope that you enjoyed the park...it is clear by the temperatures that summer really is here! I am LOVIN' it!

  • At 9:53 AM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    I'm glad you guys figured out a way to get that tape out. I was thinking that it was sticky tape...not a cassette tape...DOH!! I can be a dork sometimes! Oh, well...glad your deck is done. :)


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