I Am a Crazy Mom

Monday, June 26, 2006

That's it... We're getting A/C!

The past few days have been just horrible. When I say "horrible," I'm talking about the heat. It's been so hot and icky here that I haven't been able to do hardly anything. All sorts of heat records were broken yesterday, and it's about to get worse today. Yesterday was the first June day in recorded history that it reached 100 degrees in Oregon. It actually got up to 101 here in Portland yesterday. Our home teachers, one of whom has his own heating/cooling business, came over yesterday. As soon as they stepped into our apartment, the one who owns the business exclaimed, "We ought to all go back over to my cool, air conditioned house." He invited us over after we heard the message for the month, but we had to decline. My husband's parents called while the hometeachers were there (I had to have them call back later), and Sundays are usually the only days that we can talk to them. We had called earlier to share some neat news with them, but they weren't home.

The news we were so excited to share with them is concerning a new calling that my husband got in the ward yesterday. Before church, my hubby got a call from a member of the stake high council, asking us to meet with him at 10:30. Um, this sure got the curiosity wheels in my head running. First of all, it was a member of the STAKE high council..... asking BOTH of us to show up. We knew it would be for something big. Still, I was rather shocked when he was asked to accept the calling of ward clerk. Wow. That there has got a lot of responsibilities with it. He will need to attend meetings with the bishopric every Sunday morning at 8:00 to take notes and such. This calling will carry a large degree of confidentiality with it. I asked a whole bunch of questions. One of my main concerns was, would my husband be able to sit with me and the kids in Sacrament Meeting. Luckily, he will be able to. He may still have to get up and count the number of people in the congregation, but then he could sit right back down with us. He'll usually only have meetings on Sundays, and they will all be done before church. And next year, when our ward starts at 9:00, he'll have to be at the church at 6:00 am! Whew! ANYway, I won't have him home to help me get the kids ready for church in the mornings, but that's okay. They will allow him to slip out of his meetings a little early to come back and get me and the kids for church. Occasionally, he'll need to accompany the bishop on a Thursday evening meeting, but that won't happen too often. After my husband was set apart, the member of the high council told us that this calling would bless us more than we could ever know. I truly believe that, and I know it will be a wonderful experience for our whole family.

Well, after the hometeachers and the phone call, we were pretty much wiped out from the heat. It had to be like 100 degrees in our apartment. Tyler was just in a diaper, and the rest of us were all sticky and icky. We took a quick jaunt up to the swimming pool. Man, there's nothing like jumping into a cold swimming pool on a hot hot day. The initial shock of the cold water was replaced with relief. Tyler even laughed when we put him in it. Things weren't AS bad for the next few hours after coming home from the pool, but we still had a very hard time getting the kids to bed. Ty just slept in his diaper, and didn't get to bed till almost 10:00. Jasmine went to sleep even later. My husband and I couldn't get to bed till like 1:30 or 2:00 because of the heat. This morning, it has pretty much been decided that we're gonna pick up an air conditioner this evening. If we have to pay $250 bucks for one, then so be it. This heat is a killer, and the fact that I'm pregnant is making it even worse. I can hardly wait!

Well, I need to get Jazz ready for her swimming lessons this morning. She absolutely loves them, and she's got one more week. Part of me will be happy when they're over, cuz it's kinda tough to get up every morning and take her. It's been really good for her, though, and I'm happy that she's having so much fun. We gotta leave here in like 25 minutes or so, and no one's dressed yet. I'd better get to it.


  • At 8:47 AM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    Wow! Congrats to Kelly on the calling! That sounds like the kind of thing he's suited for! I'm SURE you guys will be blessed as he completes his calling! :)
    As fo the A/C...it's about time!! I only wish I were jumping on the bandwagon too! I guess I'll just have to settle for what I have!! Good luck!

  • At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great news! That is a pretty bug calling!
    Man I was at Sams club and they have an A/C room unit for $125 just so ya know! Even though it has been hot here..it isn't quite that hot yet! We have A/C but haven't even turned it on yet! Of course the line of trees across the street shields us from the hot sun after about 5:00. Good luck with everything!


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