I Am a Crazy Mom

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

My 77th Post...

Well, this ain't quite my 100th post. Heck, it's not even close! I've been a slacker lately, so to make up for it, I'll do my second post for the day!

I got this idea from my fellow Rubba Undies Luva, Dawnyel. I'm gonna post a list of stuff about me. But, since this here is only my 77th post, I'm only gonna post 77 things.

  1. I am the youngest of four kids.
  2. I have two sisters
  3. and a brother.
  4. Up until going to Ricks College, I lived in the same house my whole life.
  5. I looked like a boy for most of my pre-teen life.
  6. People would often ask me if I was a boy or a girl.
  7. I got my ears pierced when I was in the fourth grade, but I still looked like a boy.
  8. I still have those same, original piercings after all these years.
  9. I was in the same class as Dawnyel in the fourth AND fifth grades
    (she failed to mention fifth grade)
  10. The first eight names on the role call in fourth grade were..."Carrie, Jeremy, Matthew, Matt, Josh, Jenny, Tiffany, Brett" (Don't ask me WHY or HOW I remember that!)
  11. In the fifth grade, I got to take the classroom hamster home at the end of the year.
  12. It was a golden hamster named Samantha.
  13. I now have a niece named Samantha.
  14. In the 6th grade, a friend and I had matching Spumoni shirts.
  15. We agreed to wear them on the same day.
  16. She forgot, and said she'd wear it the next day.
  17. This happened for several days in a row, so I ended up wearing the same shirt for a whole week.
  18. We never did wear them on the same day.
  19. By the way, I started wearing glasses right before entering 3rd grade.
  20. I thought that was cool, and was excited to show them to Dawnyel, who ALSO wore glasses.
  21. The glasses made me look like a dorky boy... in girls' clothing.
  22. For almost 7 years, I had a guinea pig named Teddy.
  23. A friend accompanied me to the vet when it was time to put him to sleep.
  24. I cried... a lot.
  25. In middle school, I was asked to join concert choir to play the piano. I couldn't play that well, so someone else had to play most of the time (very humiliating for me).
  26. I was a loser through all of middle school and most of high school.
  27. I have always had a fairly low self esteem.
  28. I had a wonderful group of friends during that awkward time... most of them whom I am still in touch with.
  29. I was one of 17 valedictorians in my graduating class.
  30. In my opinon, 17 was way too many.
  31. I loved math in high school.
  32. I took the AP Calculus exam, and barely passed with a score of "3".
  33. (I still ended up taking Calculus at Ricks College.)
  34. I was co-president of the Honors Society during my senior year of High School.
  35. At one Honors Society Christmas party, I got an inflatable cow.
  36. That cow became the famous Whooper Cow in many of our crazy videos that my group of friends made.
  37. To this day, I don't remember what happened to that cow.
  38. I ended up graduating from Ricks AFTER my friends, since I had too few Social Science credits.
  39. I took an Anthropology class (and a trailriding class) for one summer term to make up for that.
  40. It was during that summer term that I met my hubby.
  41. We were in the same ward.
  42. He was the Sunday School president.
  43. We got engaged @ two weeks after we met.
  44. We got married 3 months later.
  45. We have been married now or almost 7 years.
  46. During that time, we have lived in, lemme see, um, 7 different places.
  47. In four different cities, in two different states.
  48. I REALLY hate moving.
  49. The last time we moved, we squished all of our stuff into a 26 foot truck.
  50. I doubt we will be able to do that in our next move.
  51. We have a ton of junk.
  52. We have a 5 1/2 year old daughter named Jasmine, who will be in Kindergarten next year.
  53. We have a 17 month old son named Tyler.... nicknamed Bubba, Ty-Bo, Ty-Ty, or just Ty.
  54. I had five miscarriages between Jasmine and Tyler.
  55. I am 13 weeks pregnant with our third child... due December 20th.
  56. I haven't puked from morning sickness for several weeks now... YAY. I still feel queazy, though.
  57. I don't have to work outside the home.
  58. I am the Primary pianist in my ward.
  59. This is the second time, since I've been married, that I have had this calling.
  60. Um, brain fart.
  61. The only pets we have right now are a few fish.
  62. We used to have two chinchillas.
  63. And a few rats.
  64. And 6 guinea pigs (mommy, daddy, 4 babies)
  65. And a hamster.
  66. And two lovebirds.
  67. And a pug.
  68. Not all at the same time.
  69. Whew.
  70. I got a goldfish at Dawnyel's wedding reception. That thing lived for over 3 years before we finally had to flush it (it was sick with some icky kind of fungus).
  71. I love animals. Duh.
  72. I love my family.
  73. I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
  74. My church building is over 4 miles away from where I live.
  75. The Portland temple is only 9 miles away.
  76. Although it's getting better, my ear still REALLY hurts.
  77. I thoroughly cleaned the kitchen today for the first time since before I found out I was pregnant.
Well, there's 77 things about me. I was running out of fuel there near the end, so it's a good thing I didn't have to list 100. That's all for now. I'm tired.


  • At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think I was in your fifth grade elementary class too! Did you have mrs. M? My memory is faulty sometimes...but it REALLY seems like we were in there together.
    That is INSANE that you remember the roll call from that long ago!
    That was still before I knew how COOL you really are...so we never hung out.

  • At 11:18 PM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    I'm surprized that you remember what you remember....but at least you forgot the "net"! But now that I've mentioned it, you'll blog about it! :)
    Your list got kinda poopy toward the end...but that's okay...I still love ya...even if you do think teeny potties are cute!


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