I Am a Crazy Mom

Monday, June 12, 2006


Saturday morning I woke up to an earache. It hurt a little, but I decide not to let it get to me. After all, we went on a fun family outing to Mt. St. Helens. That mountain is only about 100 miles from where we live. Even though it was a cloudy day, the drive was still beautiful. We got some great pictures of some "down in the valley" type scenes since we couldn't actually see the mountain through the clouds. I will post some of those pictures when I can pull them off of my hubby's computer. The kids behaved amazingly well for such a long, windy drive.

Sunday morning, when I woke up, my ear hurt even more. It was starting to feel like maybe an ear infection. I went to the pharmacy after church, but the pharmacist couldn't recommend any particular type of medication since I'm pregnant. He told me that I should speak with a doctor or nurce practicioner to be sure. So, I called up the OB on call at my doctor's clinic, and she told me that I needed to have it checked by someone. Well, being the stubborn person I am, I decided not to. I thought I'd just wait one more day to see if the pain went away on its own. Bad mistake!

I ended up getting very little sleep last night since my ear hurt so bad. At 4:15 this morning, I got up and sat out on the couch with a heating pad pressed against my ear. I went back to bed at 5:30 or so, and got a few snippits of sleep until shortly after 7:00. My hubby was kind enough to miss a morning of work to stay home with the kids while I went over to an Urgent Care facility to get my darn ear looked at. I got there right after it opened, and there were STILL 5 people in front of me. I didn't get seen by the ONE doctor they have there until like 9:45. I'm glad I went, though, cuz it turns out that I have swimmers ear (ie, an outer ear infection caused by water trapped in the ear). The medication I almost picked up at the store yesterday wouldn't have helped worth squat! I got some wonderful medicine drops that get rid of the pain AND will help dry out the ear to get rid of the goop. I also picked up a bunch of Tylenol, since that's the only OTC pain-killer type medicine I can take while pregnant. About an hour ago, my ear REALLY started hurting again, but I have to wait a while longer before I can take the drops, or the Tylenol, again.

I guess it doesn't help that our deck was torn down today. Man, that was LOUD. My ear is especially sensitive to loud noises right now. If you're wondering why in the heck our deck was torn down, it's like the exterminator on Arachnophobia says..."Tear out bad wood, put in good wood." Most of the wood in the deck is weak or rotten, needing to be replaced. They're replacing the all three decks in the upper units of my building this week. A sucky thing about that is, while we have no deck, they are locking the sliding doors from the outside (with a beam of wood) so no one will fall out and go splat on the groud below. This means that we can't open either pair of our sliding doors to get fresh air, and it's HOT in here. The only two windows that are operational right now are in the kids' beroom and the kitchen. They are both on the same side of the apartment, so there's not much chance of getting a good cross draft. So, we get to live in a really hot, stuffy apartment for the next few days until the deck is up and we can open our doors. My hubby is gonna be one grumpy dude tonight, cuz he ALWAYS has to sleep with our bedroom sliding door open.

In the following weeks, our front porch is gonna be replaced as well, for the same reason. Since we're upstairs, that means we have to leave the apartment for however long it takes to get fixed. The apartment manager told me that, if it takes more than one day, we will be comped for a hotel, and maybe for the time that we can't be in our apartment. Now, THAT'S gonna be a pain in the butt. It will be nice when this is all done, though, cuz it's a problem that we noticed right when we moved in. They tore apart some of the front porch last year and redid it to temporarily fix it... and although now stable, it looks really bad.

Well, I can't think of much more to gripe about right now, so I'd better go before something else DOES come to mind. UGH!


  • At 4:36 PM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    Man, what a weekend! I'm really glad you got the correct meds for your ears. I hope it gets better soon!
    As for your decks being ripped up I hope that goes quickly...but quietly!! :P I'd have to agree with your hubby...windows flung open all the time!! Maybe it's time to invest in A/C!!

  • At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    YIKES...I bet that swimmers ear isn't any fun at all! I sure hope the meds work in a big hurry! It is a MEGA pain in the (well...you know where) to have such an inconvenienced week...but try to think of the positive...you won't have to worry about the old rotted deck, and how one random day while your kids are playing on it it falls to the ground! NO sirrie...that is NO longer a concern!


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