I Am a Crazy Mom

Friday, May 12, 2006

We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo... How About You, You, You?

Jasmine has a few Little People CD's with songs on them. One of them is about going to the zoo, and that's exactly what we're gonna do today, so I thought it would serve as an appropriate title for this blog entry. We also went to the zoo last Friday after Jazz's orientation, but I failed to mention it in that blog.

Since my hubby drove the car into work today, he left me his Trimet transportation pass so we could get to the zoo. The kids can ride free until they're like 7 years old... so that's nice. I'm so glad that we live right by a bus stop. ANYway, I'll hop on the bus with the kids, and we'll go straight to the MAX station. The MAX will take us right to the zoo. I plan on meeting my husband there at around 5:30 or so.... the front gates close at 6:00 (and the zoo closes at 7:00). We'll be able to put in an hour or so of fun family zoo time. That is a good-sized zoo, so I know we won't be able to see the whole thing in that amount of time. I was there with the kids for two hours last week, and we still missed some exhibits. As long as we get the essentials, ya know, the hippos, the giraffes, and the zebras-- aka the Gloria's, the Melman's, and the Marty's, we'll be okay.

If any of my friends out there are wondering why I haven't written in a while, it's because I've been a lazy blob all week. I was getting over a nasty doozy of a headcold (I still haven't quite kicked it), and I didn't do much at all. I found motivation to read and respond to other blogs, but not to keep up my own. Honestly, I will try harder to at least make my presence known on this blog a little more often from now on.


  • At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    BEAUTY! I sure hope you had a good time at the zoo. I really want to take Matthew to our tiny excuse for a zoo a lot this year! I also hope you get that cold taken care of! They are not fun! If you were in the same rom as me I would cross my fingers at you and back away!
    I also hope you really do write more!

  • At 10:35 AM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    I've missed reading about your life...I'm glad you aren't dying in an alleyway somewhere!!
    I'm not one who LOVES going to the zoo...but I'm glad you can take your kiddos there and have a fun family time! :)


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