I Am a Crazy Mom

Friday, April 21, 2006

Aah... the miracle of duct tape!

Have you ever broken something that you didn't have the necessary materials on hand to fix (and you didn't want to drive to the store to get 'em)? Or, have you ever busted something that would have costed mucho moolah to replace? Well, I have..... both in this week's time frame. Jasmine's top dresser droor busted on one side (which could have been fixed by a simple application of wood glue), and the base of my vacuum cleaner cracked, causing the detachable base to, well, STAY detached. My solution to both problems was my highly technical, totally advanced, roll of duct tape. Yep.... that baby can cure anything.... well, almost anything. I even heard once on the news that a piece of duct tape could suffocate a wart (but, like who in the heck is gonna want to walk around with a big ol' piece of duct tape on their hand or foot for two weeks.... especially when it won't even stick to the sweaty foot). I'll just stick with its uses on non-human objects. The drawer? Well, I just taped the busted side together, and voila! It doesn't come apart every time I open it. I know I'll eventually get that wood glue, but I don't want to spend the time or money on it right now. At least the drawer won't annoy me now. And the vacuum? I just wrapped several tight layers of duct tape around the cracked base, holding it together rather well. Now, the darn thing works better than it did before it busted. It's a MIRACLE! I like duct tape.

Not only can duct tape fix stuff, it is also ART. Just check out this website to see what I mean. Actually, there are tons of places out there that do stuff like this... Google can point 'em out to ya. If anyone out there can think of some other nifty uses for duct tape, please let me know.


  • At 7:50 PM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    I've heard Duct tape referred to as 100 mile-per-hour tape. Have you ever seen the Red Green show?? They duct taped an entire car...it was hilarious!
    I'm glad you found a short-term solution to your problems! Duct tape rules!
    We used duct tape and four pennies to fix the sensor on our van sliding door...the repairmen almost gave up on it and tried to duct tape the pennies back to the door...but the had broken our solution! But it worked for a while! :)

  • At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HAHAHA///My dad has the Duct tape calendar at work...365 days of ideas for the wonderful stuff! We once used duct tape to tape my sandals to my feet while we were camping! I had no other shoes available when the trusty old sandals threw a strap...five minutes later...miracle of miracles...good as new!

  • At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Man...I miss your blogging words! I have checked your site a lot of times since the duct tape one! But...to no avail...Where are yoU???

  • At 8:58 AM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    TAG!! You're it...check out my blog for details!!

    BTW I miss you too! COME BACK!!


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