I Am a Crazy Mom

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Three Down, Two to Go!

My husband took the third of five Microsoft certification tests today. He didn't study at all for this one, but we weren't too concerned since it was half off (instead of being $125, it was like $62.50), plus he would have had a free re-take if needed. He mainly wanted to go into the testing center and take the test to find out what he'd need to study for in order to pass the second time around. Much to our surprise, he passed! He needed a score of at least 700 to pass, and he got an 824. Wow-- that's pretty amazing. I could never pull off something like that. So, out of the three exams that he has taken, he only studied for the first one. That wasn't pleasant, cuz it was an all-nighter. He plans on taking the last two exams within the next few weeks, and once he does, he will be fully certifed. Once he is done taking these exams, he will have to periodically update his certification, but that will only take a test or two each time. This whole thing will be a great resume builder for him. I am very proud (in a good way) for him, and blessed to have such a smart and talented hubby.


  • At 10:35 PM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    WAY TO GO!! He's just one of those brilliant minds that doesn't need to study!!

  • At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WAy to go! Hey...amybe his full certification will result in a big fat healthy RAISE! One can only hope!
    When you dream...dream big!

  • At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    have you noticed that you NEVER blog anymore! Ya know...I am gonna stop checking if you never give me anything! Wait...no..I will still probably check here...and my hopes will be crushed every time you don't write! There you go...a guilt trip! Hope it works!


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