I Am a Crazy Mom

Friday, May 05, 2006

Growing Up So FAST!

Jasmine is growing up so fast. It's hard for me to believe that she'll be in Kindergarten next year. This morning, the school she'll be attending next year had the orientation for the incoming Kindergarteners. Since my hubby had to take the car to work this morning, we ended up walking to the school. I measured it on the odometer a while back, and it's like .7 miles away from the entrance of our apartment complex. So, we left about a half an hour before it started and got there with a few minutes to spare. Everyone met in the cafeteria. They had the parents stay behind while all the little kids got to go check out the Kindergarten classrooms. They got to plant a seed, make a picture, and ride the bus, among other things. Meanwhile, the parents were given information about bussing and school saftey, etc. We were given the chance to address any questions we may have. While the kids took their bus ride, parents had a choice of either going on the bus with them, or taking a tour of the school. Since Jasmine has been riding a bus for almost three years now, I figured I'd take the tour. I really like the layout of that school, and I've never seen anything like it. The library is centrally located, surrounded by all of the classrooms. There are groups of four classrooms, called "pods". Each pod has a central area for activities that can be used by students in all the classrooms of that pod. The four classrooms branch off of that pod. Another thing that I really like is that the two Kindergarten classrooms each have their own ameneties like restrooms.

Before going to the orientation, I was a little afraid of how Jasmine would take to the transition. Now, after going, I can rest my nerves. I realize that everything will be taken care of. The faculty at the school will do everything to accomodate and help these little Kindergarteners transition smoothly into the routines of a big school. As I've said before, it's just so hard to believe that Jasmine is growing up so fast.... that she'll be in grade school, not preschool, next fall. Wow. I think I need stop and catch my breath.


  • At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Man... I cna't believe it either! I can't believe that we...the same approximate age...have our first children so far apart! It is pretty much the only thing we don't share experiences in! I am SOOOO SOOOO jealous of that school! It really is true that Idaho has one of the most pathetic excuses for public education in the country! The school sounds like a WONDERFUL place for Jazz to take her first steps into the wide world on her own! You LUCKY girl!

  • At 10:32 PM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    Amen...Kids grow up WAY too fast!!


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