I Am a Crazy Mom

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Waitin' for the bus, and waitin' and waitin' and waitin'....

Well, this morning I had to wait for Jasmine's bus FOREVUR. And of course, Ty wanted to run away from me, so I had to hold him. He weighs in at 27.5 pounds on our home scale. Big kid. Anyway, after the bus was like 11 minutes late, I called transportation, only to find out that Jazz's original bus driver was in an accident. Some dumb car crashed into the bus. Luckily, no kids were on the bus, and to my knowledge, no one was hurt. The bus driver was currently pulled over, probably waiting for the police to show up. Luckily, another bus driver volunteered to take her route (after her own route was completed, of course), which she would be starting within the next five minutes. So, as soon as I found out this information, I walked back to our garage to get the stroller. My arms and back felt like they were about to give out from holding a big wiggly baby for so long. I strapped him into the stroller, and we walked back up the hill to the bus stop to wait some more. FINALLY, 28 minutes late, a different bus driver showed up to get Jasmine. If my husband hadn't taken the car to the MAX station this morning, I would have driven Jasmine to school so she wouldn't be so late. She took the whole thing rather well, though. Luckily, it is a very beautiful morning, so we didn't have to go back inside to wait (that would have made her mad). I'd better call her school, just to make sure someone was out there to pick her up.


  • At 9:38 AM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    Isn't public school transportation fun?! It drives me bonkers...constatnly. Luckily next year we can WALK to school! I'm so excited for that...no more waiting to see if the bus has passed our apartment and gone on to the next stop just because Cam was being a defiant poop! Oh, well...guess that's a story for my blog! :D

  • At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am sorry about your painful morning! Squirmy babies are a pian to hold onto reguardless of their size...but I am sure 27 pounds was REALLY hard on your back! That is too bad about the buss driver....thankfully there were no kids on the bus! Busses really are more safe than personal transportation (there are WAY more kids injured in cars than busses each year)...but it can be a pain!
    Hope your day gets better!


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