I Am a Crazy Mom

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Here Comes the Easter Bunny.... and There He Goes!

Well, another Easter Sunday has come and gone. We didn't do anything really fancy for dinner on that day. Instead, on Saturday, we went down to spend the day with my uncle and aunt in Albany. There, we had a fun little Easter egg hunt (in the rain) where each kid was able to walk away with like 14 hard boiled dyed eggs. We also had a big ol' dinner with lots of food. I made a lemon merengue pie and a key lime pie the night before. Man, I was in the kitchen for about four hours... at LEAST. It didn't help that I made the crusts from scratch, and I messed up on them thefirst time around (so I had to make 'em again). Everybody liked them, and we didn't have any leftovers to worry about brining home. That's good, cuz it's like an hour drive, and I didn't want to have to worry about transporting any food back. We took a bunch of pics of the egg hunt, but I'll have to wait till my hubby gets the whole batch of pics uploaded to HIS computer (where all our photo archives are stored) before I post any. That should be soon.

The kids had lots of fun on Saturday. Jasmine didn't want to go when it was time to leave. We were there long enough, though (from 11:30 till about 6:00). Fro the latter half of the day, Ty was really grumpy. He wouldn't take a nap, and as the hours passed, he kept getting more and more distressed. I didn't realize until we were there that he was cutting a molar and another tooth right next to it. No wonder he was so grumpy. Luckily, after I finally figured out what was wrong, I was able to get some medicine from my cousin whose little boy is also teething. That calmed him down, so by the time we got in the car to go, he just crashed. He slept the whole way home, and so did Jasmine. It made for a nice quiet ride.

Sunday morning was awful. Tyler woke up at 5:30, crying and in a lot of pain because of his teeth. He stayed up till shortly before 8:00. Then, when Jasmine woke up at 8:30, all excited to see her Easter goodies, Ty woke up again. He was not happy. At least Jasmine was. They each got a stuffed bunny in their Easter buckets, but Ty couldn't have cared less for his. He liked playing with the plastic egs though, and the jelly beans were a big hit. ANYway, we missed Sacrament meeting because Ty finally went back to bed for a while. When we got to church, I didn't even bother trying to take him to Primary with me because of how grumpy he was. Daddy took him, and ended up missing some of Priesthod because of it. If anyone looked at Ty, he would just get all upset. He wasn't having a good day at all. When we got home from church, we just veged for the rest of the day. No big dinner.... nada. We just had fruit plates and other snacks, since no one felt like cooking. What a day. At least we were able to spend it together as a family. :)

Tyler was still a little "crusty" yesterday becaue of his teeth, but I kept him drugged up, just like I did on Sunday. He has done better today, so I think I'll hold off on the meds. I'll give him some Orajel if I need to, but if I can go without giving him the motrin stuff, that would be awesome. I'm not looking forward to the next few months. It will probably be a non-stop teething process as his other molars start to come in. UGH!


  • At 10:38 AM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    Is this his first molar? WOW! I can't believe your baby is getting so big! I hope the kid gets feeling better. Easter and cutting teeth don't really make for happy kiddos!

  • At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    EEEEWWWWW...Molars were THE WORST PART of Matthews life so far! I feel for ya...and for him...and I hope he can just pop them all through quickly and get the pain over with! Easter isn't really about big fancy dinners anyway...so it's all good that you didn't manage to get one! I can't find anywhere in the scriptures that it mandates a ham and potatoes with salads and dessert for Easter!


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