I Am a Crazy Mom

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Jasmine's "Gradulate" is Tomorrow

Today, Jasmine had her last day of pre-school. It was also her last day of riding the special needs "short bus", which is kinda nice, cuz they're almost always 10-15 minutes LATE. I'm hoping that, once she starts Kindergarten and a regular bus route has been established with the "big kid bus," we won't be waiting on the curb as long in the mornings. ANYway, tomorrow morning is Jasmine's graduation, or as she pronounces, her "gradulation" or "gradulate." Daddy has arranged to have the morning off from work, and we'll all go as a family. We received a letter from her teacher a few weeks ago, letting us know about the whole ordeal. The kids are going to be wearing hats, and the ceremony will last for about an hour, with refreshments to follow. This will be a fun family event, and my hubby has never been to this prescool or met Jasmine's teacher before. It's always great to see Jasmine's classmates and teacher, and to "see her in action" while she's in her preschool environment with her peers. We'll be taking pictures, and I'll be sure to post them asap.

There's a toy that Jasmine has been wanting for the past four or five months. I think we're going to get it for her as a graduation gift. We try to have her save up her money for toys, but this is kind of a special occasion.... she's been in a preschool of some sort for three years now, and a large chapter of her 5-year-old life is about to come to a close. Daddy has a padnug event tonight, and if he gets out early enough, he may take a quick trip to the store on the way home to pick up the toy. If not, it will have to wait till morning. I wanna be able to wrap the gift, but I don't know how possible that will be. Whatever the case is, Jasmine is gonna be surprised. She doesn't even know that she's getting a gift, and she won't know until right before she gets it. I love surprising her, and I know she won't bug me about her present if she doesn't know she's getting one. She's a sweetie, but she sure knows how to get under your skin at times!

I'd better go get Jasmine out of the tub now. She's been getting to bed kina late for the past few nights, and I want to fix that. I've already got Ty in bed and asleep, so it shouldn't be much of a problem getting her down. I've just got to get off my fat butt and be more consistent in early bedtimes. We were doing so well there for a while, then it went all to pots for some reason. Well, goodnight.


  • At 7:59 AM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    Happy Gradulation to Jazz!! :) That's kinda funny to me that people have those things for preschool. I know it could be a big thing, but man, they're 5, they won't remember any of it!
    Hope you can get your rear in gear with the early bedtimes, gosh! I mean, it's almost summer...she needs those early bedtimes! hee hee!

  • At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    whatever...Isn't summer built for late bed time? At least hat is how it seems to be panning out at our house! Last night it was after 1 am! I am dyin' here! I NEED at least 8 hours to function normally!
    Jazz has really been in preschool for the majority of her life! She deserves a gift! After I spent over 80% of my life in school I was really glad to get gifts! (Just make sure it is not too expensive! You don't want to set a standard that your other kids will expect!) Have fun tomorrow!


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