I Am a Crazy Mom

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Anothr blah day....

Today was another one of those blah days. We missed church again today, but for an entirely different reason. I woke up early this morning with really bad cramps. We decided it would be best for me to just stay home and rest. So, I stayed home and did basically absolutely nothing. My hubby decided to stay home and help me with the kids. It would have been difficult for him to take them to church by himself, and he didn't want to leave them home with me... cuz then I wouldn't be able to rest. He was a big help calming fights and tantrums, as well as taking care of their basic needs. Man, it's amazing how many tantrums Tyler now throws during the day. When he's mad, he lets everybody know it. He has already entered the Terrible Two stage, and he'll only be 17 months old tomorrow. He sure is a little pill!

Anyway, I called several people this morning to see if they could play the piano for me in primary today, and I couldn't get ahold of anybody. I'm thinking it was because this is Memorial Day weekend. After my third failed attempt, I ended up calling someone in the presidency to let them know what was up. I was almost in tears by that time (I don't know why... call it pregnancy hormones). She said that she would find someone to do the job for me. Actually, I think she was gonna first call the woman who was SUPPOSED to do it for me last week (and FORGOT about it).

For the rest of the day, I just relaxed. My husband spent several hours in the kitchen... cleaning and making banana bread. I had to help him a little with the bread, cuz he had never made that recipe before... but he did most of the work. I pulled up a chair and parked my keester in it, watching him and answering any questions he had. The cleaning he did was a major under-taking. He re-arranged cupboards to make our little itty-bitty space more efficient, got rid of junk, and loaded (and unloaded)the dishwasher a few times. And he gladly let me stay off my feet. Even though I was doing what I know I needed to do (dr's orders), I still felt like a big ol' lazy blob.

Well, I'm almost asleep now, which is a sign that I'd better get off the computer and go to bed. I'm even having a hard time typing this out.... I keep having to hit the !@#$@# backspace key. Goodnight, everybody!


  • At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Now that is a sweet man! He has been well triande...he deserves a treat! Good boy...good boy!
    My hubby is trained well too! Ya gotta do it while the marriage is young! My mom failed to do it...and now it is pretty muvch too late! She is stuck with an old dog that doesn't do many tricks! For example they have all of the stuff to build a vbathroom in the basement...but it hasn't been done yet...for 5 years...that is an example of a baddly trained hubby!
    But us modern chicks have learned to step in early! Yay for us!

  • At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oops...a typo...should be trained and much not muvch. and bathroom rather than vbathroom...and my grammer was terrible in that last bit! OOPS!

  • At 8:38 AM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    How are you doing now?? I surely hope that your lazy day kept you and the baby safe and sound! I totally worry about you! I'm really glad that Kelly helped you! What a good hubby! I just wish you had taken pictures of him making the banana bread...that would be something I'd like to see! :)


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