I Am a Crazy Mom

Sunday, April 02, 2006

What a LONG day...

Today was a very long day. I am so pooped right now, I just might fall asleep while entering this blog. The kids got me up at 6:30 this morning (hello! It's Saturday!). After much prodding, I finally got my husband up by 7:30 or so. We then spent several hours cleaning the house. Our original plans were to drive up to Seattle today and get a hotel. But then we decided to save a little money and just go to the coast. So, we left at around 11:00 or thereabouts. First, we drove out to Seaside and walked down on the beach... it was very windy. Jasmine was afraid that the wind was going to blow her away. Then it was on to Astoria. There was a cool 4 mile long draw bridge that we drove a cross, entering into Washington state. We then drove along the windy coastline for a couple of hours, ending up who knows where... in some little city called Aberdeen. I don't even know where that is. I'd have to pull out a map to check it out. We had to stop and get out at Wal Mart there because I was like two inches away from throwing up. For some strange reason, I thought about my friend Dawnyel at about that time. She also gets motion sickness. After walking around in the store for like twenty minutes or so, I was finally feeling good enough to get back in the car. A bottle of Coke also helped settle my stomach.

We then drove along Highway 101 for a while, hoping it would take us to I-5 eventually. We saw two big ol' honkin concrete towers with flashing lights on them that reminded me of the nuclear power plant on the Simpson's. We pointed them out to Jazz, and she thought that was cool. I saw one sign directing us where to get onto I-5 South, but then we missed the exit, so we had to drive a few more miles before we could find a place to turn around. We're lucky I even saw the sign because it was almost dark and it was raining pretty hard, not to mention we were in completely unfamiliar territory. Well, when we took the exit, we had to drive for several more miles (like almost 20) before getting to the interstate. At least THAT road was straight. It was smooth sailing once we got on I-5, and we were back in Portland shortly before 9:30. We pu in about 325 miles. The kids were amazingly well-behaved for being stuck in the car for so long today. Ty had a few difficult moments, but I know it was because he was just sick of being confined to his car seat. Jazz was a little disappointed that we weren't going to stay in a hotel, but when we got her a Carebear kite and a jumprope at that Wal-Mart, everything was ok. We'll have to go fly it at the park across the street tomorrow, weather permitting.

Well, I'm so freakin' tired now, that I think I'm gonna call it a night. It's now 12:30, but due to lovely Day Light Savings time, it might as well be 1:30... though I don't think the time technically leaps forward until 2:00 or so. YAWN!


  • At 8:24 AM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    Geez! I'm so glad that driving around getting car sick reminds you of ME!! I feel so "honored!"


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