I Am a Crazy Mom

Sunday, April 02, 2006

General Conference

Today, we got the chance to listen to a few talks from General Conference. Our situation really sucks here, cuz no radio station out here broadcasts it, either. The ONLY way we could listen to it was either by going to the church for all four hours (and that was NOT going to happen with two cranky kids) or by listening to it streaming over the internet. We did the latter. Lemme tell ya, it's hard to listen to conference with two little kids running around. Another thing that was a little bit of a problem was the whole time thingy. Today was Day Light Savings, and we haven't switched all the clocks forward yet. PLUS, I keep forgetting that, since we live in Oregon instead of Idaho (where we just moved from last year), we're in a different time zone. I'm used to conference going from 10-12 and then 2-4. Here, though, it goes from 9-11 then 1-3. That, along with the time change, got us all screwed up.

The one talk that I did listen to was President Hinckley's in the morning session. I could be wrong, but that sounded an awful lot like a farewell speach. Yeah, sure...there were chuckles throughout the congregation when he told everyone that he was planning on being around for October's conference (that he wasn't giving his obituary). The way he was speaking about his life though, and how he mentioned that there were still complecations from his surgery, made me wonder if he knows he won't be around for much longer. The same thing happened at the General Conference session he spoke at a few years ago right before his wife died. He paid her a beautiful loving tribute at the pulpit during a session of conference just days before she died. I have to wonder if he knew that her time on Earth was coming to a close, as perhaps he does now for himself. In deed, we have been blessed in the Church to be led by such a great man for this past decade or so. He has done so much... the one large thing that comes to my mind is the building of temples. He will be greatly missed by millions of people when he passes. I only hope and pray that, in the remaining time he has in this mortal existence, his physical pain and discomfort (from surgery, age, etc) is not too great, for I know that he has "a lot on his plate."

I look forward to watching all of General Conference on DVD when we get it. My husband ordered it online from Church Distribution for 14 bucks. Sure, it won't be the same as watching it live, but at least I'll have the opportunity to watch it. And hey, we'll have a forever record of it.

Now, I must go so I can finish playing a game of Settlers of Catan on the network with my hubby, and he's demanding my full attention. So I'd better go. We don't have time to play games very often any more, so I jump at the chance when we do.


  • At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    General Conference was so great this time! For us it wasn't nearly as hard...since we get it on tv, and Matthew is a pretty quiet kid most of the time! I agree with you about President Hinkley...and I guess I wouldn't be shocked if it is his time...but I sure hope not yet...he is an inspiration to all!

    How do you play settlers on the network? Is it the settlers that I know and love? Which network? I wanna play it!

  • At 8:25 AM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    I too want to know about Settlers on the comp! We play it with my cousins all the time and we were getting addicted to it...WAIT! Maybe I DON'T wanna know!


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