I Am a Crazy Mom

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Two down, three to go...

Well, my husband has passed his second Microsoft certification test. He only has three more to go. That is a relief. I was scared that he would not pass this one. The original plan was for him to study all night last night. That did not happen. He wanted a "cat nap," but when I tried to wake him up to study, he wouldn't budge. I tried, several times throughout the night, to get him up to study. It didn't work. I dare say that I'm the one that didn't get a good night sleep, and he was rather well-rested this morning. So, he went in there to take the test at 10:00 this morning without having studied at all. A lot of the stuff on the exam was stuff he's been doing at ork for the past few years. Anyway, now, we have one less thing to worry about. The only bummer is, he was just trying to schedule his third test for April 22nd, (that was the original date that he was going to take this one), but they are all full now on that date. The soonest Saturday he could schedule a test on was May 6th. I think he's just going to schedule the fourth and fifth one right now too.... so he can get them all done before July. This will be HUGE for him once it gets complteted.

I just spotted a rather large spider on our ceiling.... we have a vaulted ceiling in our living room, and the offending arachnid is at the very top. So, I need to find a way to reach it so I can smoosh it without freaking out Jasmine. She doesn't know it's there yet. If she did, she'd be screaming at me to kill it. We already had one spider episode this morning, with one that wasn't nearly as big. Now that the weather is getting warmer, we're going to be frequently finding spiders around the house. It comes with the territory when you live by a nature preserve. I'm just glad that we dont' get hobo spiders here, like we did back in Idaho. Still, I hate spiders.

Well, I killed the spider. I had to stand on a foot stool and use the broom. The darn thing crawled to the corner, right above the fish tank. I whacked it with the tip of the broom and it fell down on top of the fish tank. When I tried to grap it with a napkin, it zoomed into the water. So, I had to fish it out with a net. Eww! It was still alive. I squished it once it was in the net and out of the water. It had a body about the size of a hobo's, but its legs were shorter. Luckily, Jasmine didn't see it till right before I killed it. She didn't scream, though, since she saw that I was trying to kill it. I hate spiders.


  • At 10:04 PM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    I hate spiders too! But your spider story was a good one! :D Congrats to Kelly!

  • At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    EEEEWWWW...Although I still think that I hate mice worse than spiders! Although I still am freaked out by them! The word arachnid always seems to remind me of Barney...I wonder why??? hahaha


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