I Am a Crazy Mom

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Blabbing on the phone is fun!

A few hours ago, a good friend of mine from back in Idaho gave me a call. We talked about everything and about nothing. It was really great to talk to her on the phone (I've been IMing her a lot lately). At the end of our many conversations, I checked my phone display to see how long we had been talkig.... 124 minutes! When I realized she was using her cell phone, and that there was a possibility that she may have gone over her minutes, I fealt really bad and we ended the call. A few minutes later, she called back to let me know that she still had like 250 minutes left! She just wanted to let me know that our "little" phone chat hadn't cost her any overage minutes. That made me feel much better.

While I was on the phone with her, Tyler took a series of 7 or 8 steps all by himself, then plopped onto his diapered bottom. Several more times throughout the call, he would take 3-4 steps with no help. He is going to be walking all over the place before too long. It's so cute to see him take those steps and get so excited that he loses his balance. He is such a sweet baby! It seems like just yesterday that I brought him home from the hospital. My, how time flies!

Jasmine was out of preschool for this whole week due to President's Day and other teacher stuff going on. She'll sure be happy to go back on Monday. It's hard to believe that she'll be in Kindergarten next year. In fact, tomorrow she has an appointment with the speech pathologist at the elementary school she'll be attending.... this is just standard procedure since, up until a few weeks ago, she was in Early Intervention preschool. (She is attending a new preschool now, and she absolutely loves it.) They will determine, through a series of testing, whether or not Jasmine will need speech therapy while attending Kindergarten. This will take a few hours, so I think I'll just drop her off and have them give me a call when she's finished. Things will be much easier with Tyler.... I'd hate to wait for several hours at the school WITH HIM.

It's now time for me to get some dinner ready. I don't know what time my husband will be home from work, but I'd like to have something ready for whenever he does get here. Plus, this is like my third blog today, so I think I've been at the computer enough!


  • At 7:50 AM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    I just have ONE thing to say to you (about 5 times though....) I told you so...I told you so....I told you so....I told you so....I told you so! I knew once you started blogging you'd love it! Now I see 3 blogs in one day?! WOW! You are even more into it than I am! AND that's saying something!
    I'm glad you had a good day yesterday though! Don't you miss those phone calls we used to have where we would sit on our front porches....watching each other? Those were free! And very memorable! :)

  • At 9:34 AM, Blogger Mattsmom said…

    That call was divine! I was so happy to talk to you! While I do wish that you were closer... D is close... and I see her about as often as I do you! That's sad!


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