I Am a Crazy Mom

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Blogger did it again... GRR!

Well, after a week off from blogging, I am greeted by nothing less than... MORE BLOGGER PROBLEMS! My whole blog entry just disappeared again. Here's a quick summary of what I wrote...

Tyler had his 18 month doctor appointment last week. He received 3 immunizations, and was rather cranky for several days after. Some of the crankiness might have also been because we just got back from our trip to Idaho. Everybody's schedule was thrown off. Tylenol seemed to help it, whatever it was from. He now weighs 26.5 lbs, and (if I remember right) is almost 32 inches tall. That puts him in the 50th percentile for his weight and the 90th for his height. He's a tall little boy. People are constatntly surprised when I tell them he's only 18 months old... he's so tall for his age.

I had my 16 week doctor appointment on Friday. I've got a low blood pressure problem, and if I don't drink at least 80 ounces of fluid each day, I get dizzy and light-headed. I also get a tingling sensation in my hands. Dehydration can cause those problems with low blood pressure. I finally heard the baby's heartbeat with the heart monitor. It was the first time they didn't have to roll out the ultrasound machine. That was good. I also got to schedule my actual BIG ultrasound, which will be on August 7th. We have opted NOT to find out the gender this time around. We figured that, since we already have one boy and one girl, it really doesn't matter what we have next, so long as it's healthy. Plus, there are so few surprises in life that are this big, so let's be surprised! Jasmine is convinced she's having a baby sister, but I'm sure she'll be just as happy with another little brother.

Dang, I'm so flippin' tired right now. I can't remember what else I wrote about in that blasted blog that got erased! Oh- One more thing, Dawnyel... I haven't forgotten your Elementary School memory tag thing-a-ma-doodle. I just can't remember much all at once. I've got the blog entry saved as a draft, and it's a work in progress. You'll see it when you see it, and that's about the only guarantee I can give. Just know that I haven't forgotten it or chosen not to do it. Okay, I'm gonna post this sucker, then go take a little nap. That is, if Tyler will go down. I only feel safe sleeping if HE is asleep. I don't worry too much about Jasmine, though. As long as she has stuff to do, she'll be okay. I'd better go dig out her Little People farm animals. She wants to play with them since she's watching Home on the Range right now. Oh, fun!


  • At 6:39 PM, Blogger Dawnyel said…

    WOW! Crazy week for you!! I'm glad all is well with the baby! :) Personally, I think you're going to have another boy, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything!! :)


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